2022 Speakers













Margarida Segard

Director of ISQ Academy ISQ


She is Director of ISQ Academy -ISQ group (Training and Human Capital consultancy),
responsible for tailor made training solutions for companies – MNEs and SMEs-Corporate
Academies for Big Companies and for national macro level/cluster needs, such as 4.0 for
industry, Green Skills, Energy, oil&gas, advanced manufacturing, process industry, electronics,
automotive, transports, infrastructures and building, blue economy -maritime and shipbuilding
– agro industry, tourism and aeronautics industries.
Coordinator of International projects, European projects, Training products Design and
Innovation, more than 100 projects tailor made delivered in more than 35 countries
worldwide, including projects for development and capacity building in African and Asian
countries totally based on a deep national survey, focused on industrial needs and other
economic stakeholder´s needs.
Advisor and consultant in Innovative VET solutions and “skills for the future”, including Digital
transformation 4.0 and Green transition (ESG, sustainability, environment)
Advisor in VET and skills at European Commission EU and OECD; Member of High-level EU
working group for Skills Agenda 2030, Working Group Green Transition, Working Group Adult
Learning, Working Group Europass
Speaker and chairwomen at International and national Conferences, focus on skills and
organizational capacity building
Consultant and project leader in Projects for Development and Innovative Training Services in
technological areas for “high performance work” for “employment, better jobs and more
inclusion” and for youngsters; consultancy to national quality systems for TVET in different
countries and networks for employment (European tools: EQF, ECVET, EQAVET,etc)
EVBB – she is Vice President and responsible for European Affairs – European Association for
Vocational, Education and Training Institutes, Germany and Brussels,
She is Expert and advisor in European Platform for VET Associations Vocational Education and
She is member for National Committee for Quality in Education and Training and member of
QAVET – European Network for Quality in VET

RSO PT – CSR Portuguese Network – Original Founder and President of Portuguese Corporate
Social Responsibility Network “RSO PT” and Coordinator of WG “CSR in Education and
Was Responsible for Development Unit of the National System for Professional Certification
(National Qualification Standards), Ministry of Labour; was Unit coordinator of National ESF
Training Programs– National Institute for Training and Employment, Ministry of Labor– till year
2000; was Officer in Ministry of Economy, PEDIP, national program for SMES
Academic background: Master in Law - Portuguese Catholic University; MBA at AESE,
Advanced Executive Programs at INSEAD, Lisbon Catholic School of Economics and School of
Law, Business School of Porto
Member of APG - National Association of Human Resources
Member of IVETA –International Association for VET
Representative of ISQ in several regional networks for employment and entrepreneurship
ECVET national expert;
Project’s evaluator for EU commission and national programs
Trainer and consultant in Human Capital management and development, Corporate